Ibrahim Kajtazović

Public Utility Company “Komunalija” Ltd, Ive Marinkovića b.b., 77230 Velika Kladuša, Bosnia and Herzegovina, kajtazovicibrahim@yahoo.com


ISSN 2637-2150
e-ISSN 2637-2614

UDC 005.961.6:[336.71:338.23
DOI 10.7251/STED1901065K

Paper received:   20.02.2019.
Paper accepted: 09.03.2019.
Published:            05.05.2019.

Corresponding autor:

Ibrahim Kajtezović, JKUP “Komunalije” d.o.o., Ive Marinkovića b.b., 77230 Velika Kladuša, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
E-mail: kajtazovicibrahim@yahoo.com


Bank resources management is a complicated issue and depends on multiple factors. Therefore, a single factor, regardless of how significant it may be, is not sufficient for a rational management of these resources. Since bank resources are so different that it is not possible or necessary to keep all of them under control, the bank usually concentrates on their most important categories. In relation to this, the bank must first define its business politics as a means for achieving the set goals, because it is not possible to achieve them unless the bank resources are not managed in a rational manner.

Beside the internal factors, the bank also has to take into account the macroeconomic circumstances and the institutional framework of monetary policy, as well as the factors which effect the focused market segment. The bank business politics has to be adaptable, efficient, and reflective of stability, which implies respecting the phases in the making of the politics and a proper quantification of internal factors, with anticipation of external ones. Since the size of the bank and the geographic range of primary placements, organization, planning and other elements of conducting business are in the authority of the bank resource management, when regarded from the internal aspect, they are the key elements in defining the bank business politics.

Key words: carriers of bank resource management, bank organization, planning, operative and strategic planning of bank resources, bank balances, bank aggregates and bank control.