Irianto Sabar Gattang1, Ferdinandus Christian2, Anshar Daud3
1Inspektorat Daerah, Merauke District, FCV5+366, Jl. RE Martadinata, Mandala, Kec. Merauke, Kabupaten Merauke, Papua 99615, Indonezia,
2Ottow Geissler University, Fakultas of Economy, Komp. pendidikan kristen, Kotaraja Dalam, Vim, Kec. Abepura, Kota Jayapura, Papua 99224, Indonezia.
3 Nobel Institute of Technology and Business.
ISSN 2637-2150
e-ISSN 2637-2614
UDC 331.101.3+658.3]:005.96
DOI 10.7251/STED2201001S
COBISS.RS-ID 136254209
Paper Submited: 22.03.2022.
Paper Accepted: 19.05.2022.
Paper Published: 30.05.2022.
Coresponding Author:
Irianto Sabar Gattang, Inspektorat Daerah, Merauke District, FCV5+366, Jl. RE Martadinata, Mandala, Kec. Merauke, Kabupaten Merauke, Papua 99615, Indonezia,
This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of work motivation, training and work discipline of the State Civil Apparatus at Civil Service Police Unit known as “Satpol PP” and Merauke District Fire Department. This study used an associative quantitative approach using saturated sample techniques so that the number of samples amounted to 106 people. Data sources use primary data and secondary data with data collection techniques through field studies and literature studies. Measurement of variables is done using the Likert scale with data analysis done by using Statistic Product and Service Solutions (SPSS). The results of the analysis shows that the motivation of the work had no influence on the performance of the State Civil Apparatus at Civil Service Police Unit and Merauke District Fire Department. Those Training effects on the work performance of the State Civil Apparatus at Civil Service Police Unit Office and Merauke District Fire Department. The Work discipline affects the performance of the State Civil Apparatus at Civil Service Police Unit and Merauke District Fire Department. The results of the determination test shows that the variables of work motivation, training and work discipline had an effect on the performance of the State Civil Apparatus at the Civil Service Police Unit and Merauke District Fire Department by 67.8% and the remaining by 32.2% were other variables that were not examined in this study.
Keywords: Work Motivation, Merauke District, Work Discipline, State Civil Apparatus, Training Program.