Dragoslav Gluhović

University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Law, Alekse Šantića 3, 71 420 Pale, Bosnia i Herzegovina, gagidg@gmail.com


ISSN 2637-2150 
e-ISSN 2637-2614
UDC 321.6/.8(497-15):342.22(4-672EU)
DOI 10.7251/STEDZ2402084G
COBISS.RS-ID 141780993

Primljen: 02 November 2024.
Prihvaćen: 17 November 2024.
Publikovan: 29 November 2024.


Corresponding Author:
Dragoslav Gluhović, University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Law, Alekse Šantića 3, 71 420 Pale, Bosnia i Herzegovina, gagidg@gmail.com

Copyright © 2024 Dragoslav Gluhović; published by UNIVERSITY PIM. This work licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.

Gluhović, D. (2024). Vladavina prava u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana kao fokus politike proširenja Evropske unije. STED Journal, 6(2), 73-83.


Back in 2018, the European Union adopted the Strategy of enlargement to the countries of the Western Balkans, which provided a potential time and reform framework for accession negotiations on the accession of these countries to the European Union. Strengthening the rule of law, the fight against corruption and organized crime are the cornerstones of accession negotiations and European integration processes for the countries of the Western Balkans. This paper provides an overview of the EU Strategy – Western Balkans from 2018, where the focus is on the initiative to strengthen the rule of law and the analysis of the situation in these countries from the point of view of the rule of law.

Keywords: enlargement policy, EU, rule of law, corruption, organized crime, Western Balkans.