Draško Milinović, Jelena Latinović
University of Business Engineering and Managemet, Faculty of Law, despota Stefana Lazarevića, 78000 Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, milinovicdrasko11@gmail.com, jelenalatinovic5@gmail.com
ISSN 2637-2150
e-ISSN 2637-2614
UDC 316.774/.776:004.738.5(4-672EU.497.6)(094.5)
DOI 10.7251/STED2302062M
COBISS.RS-ID 13942835
Paper Submited: 21.10..2023.
Paper Accepted: 15.11.2023.
Paper Published: 29.11.2023.
Corresponding Author:
Jelena Latinović, University of Business Engineering and Managemet, Faculty of Law, despota Stefana Lazarevića, 78000 Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, jelenalatinovic5@gmail.com
Copyright © 2022 Draško Milinović, Jelena Latinović; published by UNIVERSITY PIM. This work licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.
The laws in Bosnia and Herzegovina that partially regulate the subject areas are outdated, long since overcome and almost completely non-functional, which effectively prevents the introduction of new technologies, which are becoming more and more convergent day by day with the development of digital services that are based on various types of electronic communication infrastructure. This type of legislation in Bosnia and Herzegovina discourages investors from investing in the development of communication infrastructure, which ultimately leads to limited service or low-quality service for the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina. High-quality and modern regulation of the field of electronic communications is achieved first of all so that all legislative levels in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in accordance with their constitutional competences, pass complex and detailed laws that will regulate the field of electronic communications, following the example of the legislative achievements of the European Union in this areas. Bearing in mind the past experiences in Bosnia and Herzegovina, probably a more functional way is for all legislative levels in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in accordance with their constitutional competences, to pass laws that will regulate the field of electronic communications in such a way as to prescribe the basic principles and basic frameworks of regulation this area, again following the example of the legislative achievements of the European Union in this area.
Keywords: European Union, regulatory rules, laws, electronic communications, electronic media.