Zdravko Todorović, Darko Tomaš, Boris Todorović
University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Economics, Majke Jugovića 4, 78 000 Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, zdravko.todorovic@ef.unibl.org Axelyos – Solutions, Milana Karanovića 55b 78 000 Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, boris.todorovic@gmail.com
ISSN 2637-2150
e-ISSN 2637-2614
UDK 658.1:[343.85:343.352
DOI: 10.7251/STED0220056T
Paper received: 22.09.2020.
Paper accepted: 02.11.2020.
Published: 30.11.2020.
Corresponding Author:
Zdravko Todorović, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Economics, Majke Jugovića 4, 78 000 Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina zdravko.todorovic@ef.unibl.org
Corruption is one of most destructive and complex problems nowadays. Its results negatively influence business environment, political stability and level of standard. On global level corruption presents major barrier in international trade. Governments of many countries have passed national program for battling corruption. The total cost of fraud will be difficult to objectively assess, in particular, will be difficult to calculate the indirect damage caused by fraud. Some frauds will never be discovered. It is estimated that organisations around the world on average lose 5% of annual revenues to fraud. Small reduction in costs due to fraud can significantly increase profit of organisation. The International Organization for Standardization has developed standard ISO 37001 – Anti-bribery management systems. It’s the International Standard that allows organizations of all types to prevent, detect and address bribery by adopting an antibribery policy, appointing a person to oversee anti-bribery compliance, training, risk assessments and due diligence on projects and business associates, implementing financial and commercial controls, and instituting reporting and investigation procedures. Providing a globally recognized way to address a destructive criminal activity that turns over a trillion dollars of dirty money each year, ISO 37001 addresses one of the world’s most destructive and challenging issues head-on, and demonstrates a committed approach to stamping out corruption. Paper presents research on level of corruption in Bosnia and Herzegovina, comparison with level of corruption in other courtiers, as well as correlation with the global competitiveness index. Moreover, paper presents methodology for development and implementation of system for battel against corruption in companies. Research results bring new scientific facts and findings in battle against corruption and methodological process of implementation of system for battel against corruption in companies.
Keywords: ISO 37001, Corruption, Business ethics, Competitiveness.