Jefto Džino1, Stefan Džino2

1Pan-European University Apeiron, Faculty for Information Technologies, POB 51, 78102 Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina,      

2PR SYSTEMFINITY, 11000 Beograd, Republic of Serbia,



ISSN 2637-2150
e-ISSN 2637-2614
UDC 005.96:330.133.1(497.6)
DOI 10.7251/STED2305025D

Paper Submited: 09.03.2023.
Paper Accepted: 08.05.2023.
Paper Published: 29.05.2023.


Corresponding Author:

Jefto Džino, Pan-European University Apeiron, Faculty for Information Technologies, POB 51, 78102 Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina,        

Copyright © 2022 Jefto Džino, & Stefan Džino; published by UNIVERSITY PIM. This work licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.



Digitization of public administration is a choice that has no alternative. The analysis of public administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina was research through the trends of changes in public administration and refers to: working conditions, access to work execution, developments with IT personnel, business conditions, investments, needs for new technologies, equipment and security. The key factor in every public administration is personnel. In the paper, we have presented an analysis of the employment of IT personnel at the level of B&H and the facts that emerged from the conducted analyses. Management of IT personnel, their need, recruitment and stimulation in public administration is a big challenge. An analysis of the current situation, trends and solutions is given through the available data. In order to digitize public administration, investments are also needed, of course these investments should be well thought out and guided by examples of good practice. Based on available data, analyses of investments in ICT in public administration at the level of institutions of B&H and Brčko District were carried out. An example of good practice was presented and solutions were given.

Keywords: Public administration, data warehouses, self-service, service provision, digitalization, IT personnel, Digital technologies, Digital transformation.