Tsotne Zhghenti 

Business and Technology University, Faculty of Business and Technology, Georgia, tsotne.zhghenti@btu.edu.ge


ISSN 2637-2150
e-ISSN 2637-2614
UDK 658.8(1-664):004.738.5
DOI 10.7251/STED2102067Z

Paper received: 22.09.2021.
Paper accepted: 30.10.2021.
Published: 29.11.2021.

Corresponding Author: 
Tsotne Zhghenti,, Business and Technology University, Faculty of Business and Technology, Georgia, tsotne.zhghenti@btu.edu.ge


The paper aims to review the digital evolution process in the Georgian economy and to evaluate potential gaps relative to other countries. Digital evolution is a multidimensional concept, therefore to underline the key sectors where the digital divide is substantial between the developed world and Georgia is essential for further, more specific research. The research’s major expected outcome serves to fill the local academic literature gap related to digital development’s role in the digital economy, therefore it can be a basis for upcoming research in this field in Georgia. This approach can be also used for other developing countries which are transforming to digital economies. It is answering the specific questions: Is there a digital gap between Georgia and other economies? And, which digital sectors are the most or least developed? Digital development is influenced by several factors. The research uses digital evolution indices to measure digital evolution in different sectors from demand conditions to institutional ecosystems. 

KeywordsDigital Economy, Digital Divide, Digital Evolution, Economy of Georgia.SCIENTIFIC REVIEW