Darina Duplakova1 , Jan Duplak1 , Dusan Mital1 , Peter Soltes2 , Enes Sukic3
1Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies with a seat in Prešov, Bayerova 1, 080 01 Prešov, Slovakia, darina.duplakova@tuke.sk
2 IPM Solutions, s.r.o., Kamenná 11, 080 01 Prešov, Slovakia
3Faculty of Information technology and engineering, Jurija Gagarina 149a, Belgrade, Serbia
ISSN 2637-2150
e-ISSN 2637-2614
UDC 502.131.1:620.92
DOI: 10.7251/STED2002036D
Paper received: 14.03.2020.
Paper accepted: 05.04.2020.
Published: 26.05.2020.
Corresponding Author:
Darina Duplakova, Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies with a seat in Prešov, Bayerova 1, 080 01 Prešov, Slovakia, darina.duplakova@tuke.sk
Simulation in the production process represents the implementation of processes in real-time and space. Current trends are heading towards the implementation and expansion of various types of automated delivery systems in many industrial enterprises. These efforts are supported by requirements to increase reliability, reduce operating costs and time as well as meet operational schedules. The present article pays attention to the use of simulations, which are supporting tools in ensuring the operation of the production process, focusing on the evaluation and planning of the material flow. The first part of the paper presents a theoretical description of problems in the area of application of simulation tools in the production process with a subsequent focus on material flow analysis. The core of the paper presents a description of the analysis of approaches to material flow assessment, using supportive simulation tools in line with the ideas of business digitization. At the end of the article, the overall evaluation and summary of the issue are described.
Keywords: simulation, material flow, production process, analysis