Jovana Galić

“Gradiška Tržnica” Ltd., Kozarskih brigada 31, Gradiška, Bosnia and Herzegovina,


ISSN 2637-2150
e-ISSN 2637-2614
UDC 336.43:330.322(497.6RS)
DOI: 10.7251/STED2002082G

Paper received: 01.04.2020. Paper accepted: 11.05.2020. Published: 26.05.2020.

Corresponding Author:

Jovana Galić, “Gradiška Tržnica” Ltd., Kozarskih brigada 31, Gradiška, Bosnia and Herzegovina,


The goal of this research is to determine possibility of investing individual personal financial assets in investments funds in Republic of Srpska and does households have financial assets that can be invested. In this research capital market of Republic of Srpska is represented, the structure and organization of Banja Luka Stock Exchange, and legal framework for investment fund management companies. The volume of activity in investment funds is shown in presentation of activity Banja Luka Stock Exchange, following with the assumed reasons of current status.

Keywords: Banja Luka Stock Exchange, investment funds, Republic of Srpska, personal investments, personal finance, savings, capital markets